Sunday, April 5, 2009

I either need to figure this blog stuff out or...

get off - right? I guess I started this just to vent and get things off my chest, but I should probably keep it up. Not really sure anyone is THAT interested in what i have to say.

I know there is no way i can get on here and write something every day - too busy, too lazy, too boring? A few designated days will do I think. Since julie sits out on sunday (keeping the sabath - no doubt) maybe i should do sunday - one of the days i would have time.

And then on the other hand, i usually have pretty negative or just plain mean things to say - but if i waiting to just post positive things I'm not sure if it would be years between or if i should just delete it now. ;)

As with most people, we don't notice all the great things that we experience during each day, but the negative things that happen go us. kind of like calling customer service somewhere - when is the last time you called to tell a company how great they were you called when you are pissed off. Hence, why we all notice the crappy things - they STICK OUT!

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